Friday, November 8, 2019

strret art

this gives a powerful message of keeping a healthy diet and eating good food :3.

Digital Painting of Choice: Sketchbook Pro

This is a drawing inspired by the song Happy Unhappy by The Beths. I have absolutely no clue what it depicts but it is very purple.

ArtRage Stencils: Rhythm/Movement

I chose a peaceful background and ruined it with FLASHING RED AN OBNOXIOUS SIGNS GIVING OFF CHAOS AND ANGER wile also giving peace and happiness. It gives a beautiful yin and yang vibe. 

scanned felt tip drawing

This is my felt tip drawing. It is of a cute hairless cat and its witchery ingredients. It brings bad rolls to unworthy DnD players and it eats children.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Rothko-esque painting

This is my Rothko-esque painting. I tried my best to imitate this artists style while adding my own color scheme.

Where's Waldo assignment

This is my wheres Waldo assignment filled with many of my favorite people and things I tried to make it somewhat hard to find me and weather I succeeded varies from person to person.

Kaleidoscope project

 This is the original uncolored photo
This is my beautiful rainbow colored image with gradients and different brushes

Monday, October 7, 2019

Albrecht Dürer Assignment

 This is a picture of a beautiful ball python morph
This is where I took such a beautiful baby snake and made it live forever in my art

Cartoon Yourself

 This is the original picture of me in Spain with a beautiful flower in my hair
This is my ogrelicious new cartooned look! A big improvement in my opinion.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Cartoon Matsterpiece

 This is the original piece The Girl With The Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer 
This is my version in which I made everything cartooned and took the talent out of the painting

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Scream Assignment

 This is the original painting, The Scream by Edvard Munch
This is my modified painting, as you can see all the time was spent on the sky and I was on a time crunch for everything else.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mona Lisa Assignment

 Heres the original painting by Leonardo Da Vinci,
This is my modified piece, as you can see, Fiona Lisa is far superior. She stands mighty as her steed stands obediently behind her.